Friday, December 5, 2008

Big #5

Cody and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary this past week. It is amazing to me to think that we have been together for 5 years and the time has gone by so quickly.

To celebrate we had a night away (special thanks to the Shepherds for making that possible). Cody had planned a romantic getaway evening, and it was so nice. We went to Twilight (see what a great hubby I have, he let me choose the movie-- I won't mention that he read the books and wanted to see it also...oops, hehe). We saw it opening night but during the afternoon which helped us avoid the Twilighter crowds. Then we went for a romantic Italian dinner, where we shared a meal (again, my sweet husband appeasing me- I wanted to share a meal- which I am sure for some springs to mind a picture of Lady and the Tramp sharing a romantic spaghetti dinner, but that's okay-- I still loved it!)

And then we spent the night in a beautiful hotel downtown. Now, I may be bragging on Cody too much, but he really is the romantic. He checked out a dozen different hotels to pick the best one, I mean he went there in person to see the place. He really is something, isn't he?!

To top everything off, Cody bought me a new wedding band lined with diamonds. Now I don't agree with the whole "diamonds is a girl's best friend" thing (which some may, and that is okay). Don't get me wrong, I loved the new ring, a little more sparkle is always nice, but I'll take one amazing husband over diamonds any day.

1 comment:

Jessica W said...

Sounds like a fun night!! Maybe too fun?!? ;) Kudos to Cody on being romantic and of course for the BLING!!


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