Tuesday, October 15, 2013

No Chickens allowed

With Halloween so close, I felt this post was appropriate…and far over due (only because it has taken me so long to get ahold of the pictures). Chicken costumes are expressly forbidden in our household! And, even though I have on more than one occasion found an adorable chicken costume and suggested it for one of the babies, I have quickly and assuredly been shot down. This long standing mandate comes from Cody and is attributed to a “traumatic  experience” as a tween. Personally, I find the whole thing rather comical (in fact, I cannot in words describe how hilarious I find the whole situation), but to give Cody his due, here is the story:

Cody, in 6th grade, was forced into wearing a chicken costume for Halloween, where they went to the local mall to go trick-or-treating. As his mother explains it, they only so many costumes that would fit a kid of his height and stature and they didn’t have the endless funds needed to purchase one of the “cool new costumes”. Understandable! Cody, on the other hand, instead of playing it up, was so nervous that he would run into his friends wearing a chicken costume that he had no fun the whole time. Understandable!


But, really, I look at these photos and see the cutest chicken boy ever!  And, I daresay, he may have been over-exaggerating how horrible the whole experience was for him, as evidenced by the second photo (or maybe it was the candy consoling his wounded pride).

Look at that face…just pitiful!


Personally, I say ‘Best in Show,’ and no matter how much he rants against it, of all of his costumes to date, the Chicken is by far my favorite!

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