Monday, November 22, 2010

The first of many…

While at our first ultra sound for Rya, Cody was surprised to find out that our little baby was going to be a girl. (He was really convinced otherwise, so it almost came as a shock). When he left, he said he was really excited, but a little sad because  (and I’m gonna quote here, to maintain the truth, so if he someday tries to deny this) “how am I going to take a little girl camping”. Now, I know some women may be outraged by this comment, but I just laughed at his obvious naiveté.

Now, a short three years later, Cody took Rya on her first camping trip into the far beyond of our backyard. Their night included everything from roasting marshmallows over an open fire, midnight snacks courtesy of mom, making shadow people on the tent wall, and staying up way too late talking.

Around 2 am Cody was hoping to carry the sleeping Rya back inside so that he could snuggle into his comfy bed to get a “good night’s sleep”. But, Rya took to camping so well that she awoke and thwarted Cody’s plot. She then told him how they are suppose to stay in the tent all night. (Hehe--I guess I have no room to say anything since I spent the whole night in our nice comfy bed).

Who’s worried about camping with who, now? Overall it was a fun night, and I am sure, the first of many camping trips.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cute, I am gonna have to try that one with my girls... maybe when it gets a little warmer.


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