Monday, November 1, 2010

Baby, let’s go down to Cozumel…

We’ll get there fast and then take it slow.. or, in our case, get there slow, and then take it fast. I guess I should start at the beginning.

We went on a cruise to celebrate my 30th (I know, shocking- right?!) birthday. My sister and her hubby, who was also hitting his third decade, came with us. SO FUN!!! That really sums it up, but I’ll give you a few more details than that.


We all left our kids with grandparents, and lived life for 5 days like single marrieds. It was the first time since Rya was born that I have been away from her for more than a night. We stayed up late, ate A LOT of food, including many trips to the ice cream machine (this could explain the weight gain???), took afternoon naps, swam, rode water slides, went to shows, drank (hah, gotcha, we drank soda), and were completely carefree.

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We visited two ports; Progresso and Cozumel, where we spent a day each. In Progresso (which is on the tip of the Yucatan peninsula) we visited Uxmal, which are some pretty impressive Mayan ruins. We had a tour guide that spent a good portion of time pointing out the local gift shops and then the rest on “his version” of Mayan culture/history (the boys thought he was making most of it up, because the plaques around the sites said different things than he did- oh well, it was still interesting). We even survived walking up the very steep steps to the top of one of the temples (whew!, no wonder the Mayan people were so tiny, although our one trip up didn’t do much to combat the amount of food we put away on this trip, hehe). All joking aside though, it was all very interesting learning of these people.

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Cozumel was a day playing in the sun. We rented two-seater speed boats and raced through the crystal blue waters of Cozumel. With the small size of the boats, and some pretty good waves, we caught air a few times. It was a blast! It was like Cody reverted to his teenage years, whooping and hollering, pushing the engine as fast as it could go; I just held on for dear life- but we both loved every minute. We laid out on a private beach in hammocks, soaking up the sun, and did a little window shopping before we got back on the boat. Then we played on the Waterslides (which were closed for most of the trip due to high winds) and laid out some more. Like I said…carefree.

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A few other highlights of the trip were:

  • I won in a pretty fierce Bean Bag Toss Competition, even got a trophy (yep, I’m pretty famous now)
  • Cody got on stage in a Balderdash game show, where he was the only contestant to chose the correct definition for “fulfart” (betcha you’re running for a dictionary right about now- but it means “full speed ahead”. Although the other definition choices were, as you can imagine, more humorous). He brought home a medal (which he was encouraged not to wear in the shower for fear it would disintegrate).
  • I also won (or tied for the win) in a Halloween trivia competition, again another trophy (or “24 caret gold plastic ship on a stick” as it was lovingly referred to on the boat). alt
  • And, best of all, (because I was watching not participating) was my sister being called on stage to dance with the break dancers in front of a large portion of the guests onboard. She was fearless and did an awesome job. We even got video, hehe, it still makes me laugh to think of it). 

It was a vacation I won’t soon forget, and what a way to bring in a new decade of my life. But, at the end of the week, we were ready to get back to what we missed the most…our kids. As hard as parenting can be sometimes, I would never give it up. We can definitely have fun, and we did, but there is no comparison to the true happiness of being with our kids.

1 comment:

The Norman's said...

Oh my goodness! I'm reading this post for the first time. How exciting! Definitely something you deserve which was well overdue.


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