Friday, November 7, 2008

I Passed...

So, there will not be any pictures with this post, which I think, after you read it, you will be glad for the courtesy. I have decided, just like in school, where you pass from grade to grade based on your performance the same is true in motherhood. As your children get older, you learn new things and then there is a test. If you perform well enough on this test, you are passed to the next level.

Some of you heard this story before, but I will add it in for those who haven't. A few months ago, Rya and I were enrolled in a Mommy-n-Me swim class. Things were going swimmingly (excuse the pun) until the third to last class. Now going into this class, I would have never expected it to be different than any of the other classes, but I was in for a surprise. With about ten minutes left in the class, we had reached the part where we dunk our child under water. This part always makes me nervous so I was very concentrated on Rya. I dunked her and when she came out rather than sputtering for air, she was smiling. (Too be honest looking back, I think she knew something I didn't, but I digress.) I was so excited that for that moment I was totally focused on Rya. It was when I finally looked up that I noticed something different about the pool. It was as though someone had dumped dirt and leaves in the pool, or something....and then it clicked. Maybe it was the other mothers staring at me or maybe realization was just hitting me. Rya had blown out of her pants. At that moment, I felt like I was back in elementary school, having just done something wrong, and wondering if there were anyway to pretend it didn't happen to avoid telling the teacher. Being a grown-up can be so hard sometimes. There was no avoiding this, I sheepishly approached our instructor and explained what happened. They then had to evacuate the pool and cancel classes for the next 24 hours. I was mortified-- like I had just been sat in the corner in front of the whole class. Everyone was very understanding about it, but I couldn't bring myself to return for the remainder of the classes. Now, really, would you?

So this was the beginning of my lesson. Since then we have had several instances of bedwetting, and diapers overflowing. Nothing nerely as embarrasing, but if nothing else a nuisance to clean up. I guess you could say, we have been studying hard. Well, it all culmenated to my test, which happened yesterday. I was giving Rya a bath. After soaping her up, I let her play for a while. I was standing right there at the mirror putting on my makeup. I guess it serves me right for taking my eyes off of her for a moment. About a minute later, I looked over at her and had to look again. There was something, no, a lot of somethings floating in the water. You got it, we had another pool incident, but this time I would have to clean it up. I had a new empathy for the guys that cleaned the pool.

Now, I know for most of the mothers, you will just smile and nod, all having gone through this situation. But I feel this was my test. And when I saw what was going on, there was no gag reflex, just a little laugh and then immediate action. I got it all cleaned up and taken care of without much thought of how truly gross it was. It was a proud moment upon reflection. I passed a new level in motherhood, one where your children's bodily functions is just another day on the job. Now, I am sure this is not the end of this lesson altogether, but at this moment, I feel I have moved a step closer to being the kind of mom I want to be. On this particular test, I feel I passed.


Jessica W said...

Hahahahhaha! Oh man, we've all been there...many times! Poop test- on to VOMIT! I'll never forget the day Thomas threw up all over me- my shirt, my shorts and even puddled in my shoes! ;) It just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it!?

Daniel and K8 said...

I loved this. What a sweet post. You are a great mom!

McKell&Janeene said...

Congrats on being such an awesome mom! I hope that I too will pass such tests when they come along with Little Koree! :)

Nelee said...

You are simply hilarious! You have definitely passed the Mommy test in my book. I would have died at the pool and barfed in my bathroom. However...why is it that baby poop, while still gross, is not nearly as bad as adult poop? Just a thought.

sherry said...

Melissa, it was good to meet you at your grandpa's viewing. It was also good to see your dad. I think I was 12 the the last time I saw him. You have a cute blog. It will be fun to keep up with your life. Tell you dad hi and that I enjoyed seeing him again.


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