Saturday, December 1, 2012

Tieger Tales

Tieg has always been a more “hands-on-need-to-know-where-he-is-at-all-times-or there-may-be-trouble-afoot” kind of kid. Now, I realize that most of this stems from his natural curiosity and desire to be independent- which I never want to break because I know it will serve him well in the future. However, as any busy person can understand, sometimes I forget this fact and the aftermath creates a great story. And by great, I mean sometimes traumatizing, sometimes sweet, and sometimes hilarious (in the far future when the reality of it fades a bit). So as not to forget these little gems, I have decided I would journalize them.


This first one I daresay is my favorite. And, I write this not to tout my own greatness, but out of the mouth of babes, right?! We were driving to the park one afternoon and front the distant back seat I hear Tieg chanting something over and over. What is he chanting you say? Well I will tell you. In a somewhat sing-songy tone, he was repeating “My mom is cool, my mom is cool.”


I need to preface that I did not teach him this. I actually think he got it from some PBS show. But, to be honest, I don’t care where he got it from because coming from him, I really felt cool and more importantly LOVED! Since then this has happened every so often unsolicited and it has the same effect on me as the first time I heard him chanting. I know someday he may want to walk 10 feet away from me because he will be embarrassed by his mom, but I will always know that in his young life he thought I was cool.

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