Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanks for Thanksgiving…

This year provided a first for me on Thanksgiving. I cooked the dinner- yea, the whole thing. Okay, maybe I am taking way too much credit. But, I definitely did a whole lot more than I usually do of the Thanksgiving Day food preparation.


We were lucky enough to have my sister and her family come visit for the holiday. And for such a special occasion, we decided we would keep our Thanksgiving meal intimate and do it ourselves. So we ordered a turkey and a ham (I know, I know that’s the hardest part and I copped out, but I wasn’t ready to take the whole thing on “cold turkey,” if you know what I mean). My sister and I spent a good portion of the day fixing all the sides, which I realize is customary Thanksgiving day activities, while the boys were on kid patrol. All the work aside, we managed to create a pretty delicious spread.


Obviously, we spent so much time on food preparation that we didn’t leave a whole lot of time for picture taking, but we managed one of the table and all its goodness.



So after a couple days preparation and several hours of food fixing, the meal took all of a half hour to gorge ourselves. But we all decided it was well worth the effort. It was so fun having my sister and family there for the occasion. It really helped to focus the holiday on the thing that matter most in our life- family!

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