Saturday, July 23, 2011

Living on the Edge…

We have to post this as proof to ward off our kids’ possible complaints in the future. If my kids are anything like I was, they will complain at one point that the car they are afforded to drive is a “piece of junk.” I just want them to know that we have had our fair share of those types of vehicles, and that “WE REALLY DO UNDERSTAND.”

I like to think of Cody’s little red car as the Little Red Engine that could. It keeps giving even though really we should be behind it pushing it down the road.


There are a myriad of issues, but rather than go into all of them I will just post one. Below is the picture Cody’s brake pad (on the right) and what a normal break pad (on the left) should look like. Against our better judgment, we drove the car like this for a couple months. As you can guess, his brake pads didn’t really do anything, so to stop the car we had to down shift until we were under 5 mph, before we engaged the brake.


Fortunately, there were no incidents during this time. You just gotta love those cars that just keep on giving. And, to our future kids, if ever it need be said, “We understand, and you really don’t have it that bad…so get over it!

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