Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Callen Tieg

Born: April 6, 2010 at 5:16 pm
Weight: 6 lbs. 4 oz.
Length: 18 inches

He is such a sweetheart, very laid back and chill, especially when his older sister gives him “loves”. He sleeps a lot, but mostly during the day- a habit we are trying to flip to nights. He is only a couple weeks old, but thus far has a very sweet and calm personality.


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A friend asked me what it was like having a boy. At first I told her not much, but upon further reflection here are some of the differences I have noticed between baby boys and girls: (most, okay maybe all, of the differences I noticed were in relation to bodily functions)


He goes through as many outfits as a girl would, but for very different reasons (mostly due to peeing on his).
2. In changing diapers, speed is vital.
3. Also in changing diapers, being aware of the vicinity and direction of certain things is key in protecting myself and my outfits.
4. It really makes the whole diaper changing operation run a lot more smoothly when there are two, maybe   even three, people helping. I realize this one is not realistic all the time, but it really does make it easier.

I am sure any parent of a little boy could add plenty to this list or even give great advice on controlling this, but we are having a wonderful time getting to know our little boy (bodily function issues included) . We laugh a lot and just love having Callen here with us.


Mary said...

Thanks for clarifying. I knew boys must be different. :)

Schmath said...

He's really cute. And he makes his sister look like a teenager.

sherry said...

Congratulations! He is very darling.

Dana said...

Yay Pictures of the baby! He is soo cute! We are so happy for you guys!

Jessica Christensen said...

What a handsome boy! Congratulations!

The Norman's said...

1st,...oh my heavens look at all his hair and his cute little hairline!
2nd,...I agree with Schmath, Rya looks so grown-up next to him (and she is STILL just so beautiful).
3rd,...I'm sorry (but not really) that out of the four of y'all, Del, you are the only one that doesn't look like Cody.

Del, although Rya doesn't 'look' like you, it's clear to see that she gets her beauty from you.

Congratulations and I love y'all!


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