Monday, March 8, 2010


We have finally started potty training Rya. It is going really well, at least part of it is going well. She uses the toilet all by herself to go “water” as Rya calls it, but holds everything else in. She is definitely in control because she always manages to fill her diaper, when the need arises that she wears one (night-time and such). This is an issue because she is essentially causing herself to become constipated. Not to go into too many details, but this is the set up for the story.


It was about bedtime Sunday night when Rya started complaining of a stomach ache. Naturally, we figured it was constipation. But, then she started crying. Again, I figured gas pains combined with not wanting to go to bed was causing the tantrum. But, the crying turned to screaming, and  a non-stop painful screaming. After about 20 minutes of this screaming, we started to be concerned that this stomach ache may be more than just that. A half an hour in, she was still screaming in pain, and so we made the run to the ER, with her screaming the whole way there. As we waited anxiously in the waiting room, we just kept praying that it wasn’t too serious and that our baby girl would be alright. What seemed like an eternity, or more like 20 minutes, passed and Cody felt her pass some gas. And, within just a few minutes Rya started to calm down and return to her normal self. After probing her stomach without any painful reaction, we decided it was most likely constipation and we could treat it ourselves. So we did just that. We took her home and gave her a suppository. She didn’t enjoy that at all, a little crying followed, but who could really blame her?!

The next morning she woke up fine. By the evening, though, she seemed really tired and lethargic. Her temperature was upwards of 102 and we decided to give her some Tylenol to lower her temp and let her get some sleep. So Cody turned to Rya and asked, “Do you want some medicine?” To which she promptly replied yes. But, a second later, the expression on her face turned quizzical, and she edited her response with, “But, not the bum thingy?!”

That gave us a good hearty laugh and Rya nervously joined in the laughter, still unsure, until she realized it was just Tylenol! It was too cute, I had to write it down and share. 


McKell&Janeene said...

That is so funny! What a good story... she will appreciate it when she is older. :)

Jessica Christensen said...

Aah, kids. They keep life interesting, no? Glad she's okay.

The Norman's said...

So I'm totally wanting to know what was it that made her so sick???

Christensens2 said...
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Christensens2 said...

Oh, Bec- sorry I didn't see your comment. We never did find out what was causing the fever. Could've all been related I guess, but your guess is as good as mine.


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