Saturday, January 30, 2010

Merry ThanksChristgivingmas

Despite what it appears, we did have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas- just failed to add those events to the blog in a timely fashion (shocking, right?) So, rather than bore with too many details, I will just give a few highlights and get to the good part…the pictures.


We spent Thanksgiving here in Arkansas with some good friends; expressed many thanks, ate too much amazing food and lazed around. I am not sure we got any pictures, but we really did have a wonderful day! We are so grateful for friends that are our family away from home.


Christmas was spent in Albuquerque with Cody’s parents and sister and her family (The Bohns). Rya was showered with not only countless gifts, but attention as well (her and her 5 cousins became fast friends).  We hardly saw her after our arrival. The first thing she would want when she woke in the mornings was to be with her cousins, and she was until we dragged her to bed each night. I think she is ready to have another “friend” around, good thing we have one on order- due to arrive in April.

Above: Rya with Grandma & Grandpa Christensen
Above: Rya and all the Bohn cousins
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Above: Like I said…fast friends
Above: Only two years apart in age, In fierce competition for the win—look at their serious faces.

Above: She really liked the idea of lots and lots of presents.
Above: Compliments of Uncle Brandon- here’s our little Rya princess with her prince hiding away in their castle.

Above: Grandma made her a princess outfit- you can only imagine her excitement.
Above: Keeping all her gifts very close to her, or on her (the arm was not included with the cow puppet.

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Above: They cleared the front and back yard of snow to make one big snowman- their better than a snow blower.
Above: Rya was much more interested in just eating the snow.

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