Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Rya 020

ya is becoming more and more independent. She surprises us with what she picks up. The o

ther day she decided she wanted to go swimming. So she took it upon herself to make the preparations. She took her pants and shirt off and was trying to put on a swim diaper when I found her.

She has started going to the pantry and picking out a snack for herself when she gets peckish. I watched one day as she got into the pantry, pulled out a can of peaches, found the can opener and then attempted to get the can open. It was pretty impressive.

However, not all ventures go quite according to plan. But they are great picture ops. (Her bowl floweth over) 

And, the last bit we’ll share on this matter is my favorite. She is learning to help put things away: toys, clothes, shoes, trash. In fact, she is getting so

good at it, sometimes she even helps me put my things away.

Nov08 002 

   Nov08 003

Nov08 001 
Now I never said she always put them away in their correct spot—I can see how it can get confusing sometimes. It makes me feel like I am playing some homemade version of “Where’s Waldo”. Can you find my shoe?  

These are the little things I don’t want to forget—they bring a smile to my face and make me realize how lucky I am to be around to see it.


Justin and Sindy said...

So cute! We miss you guys! I left a comment on Cody's FB, thinking it was your wall..duh (not that I don't love Cody)But how are you all!?!

cookie said...

Ha! That is hilarious! Good thing you were able to find the other shoe in the garbage. What a good little helper. LOL. Rya is growing up! She is such a beautiful little girl! Your house is beautiful, too. Definitely looks better with the trees gone. Such hard work! Yes, there are always more projects to do. Will we ever catch up with them?!?!


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