Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Look at my teethes…

               “Who has teeth? Well,.. look around and you’ll find out who. You”ll find that red-headed
               uncles do.  TEETH! They are very much in style. They must be very much worthwhile.” 
                                                                                                                                          -- Dr. Suess


So, I couldn’t agree more, but up until now Rya hasn’t really been very toothy. But, finally, she is getting a few more teeth…teeth #5, #6, #7, #8 and I think #9. Now some may question whether this is blog worthy and I submit that yes it is. She hasn’t gotten a tooth since she tuned a year old. If you know her well, you know this hasn’t slowed her food consumption, in fact she still eats more than Cody and me, but for the past 8 months she has been swallowing her food whole because her four front teeth weren’t very helpful in chewing. Well now she is more than doubling the amount of teeth in her mouth all at once- what a way to go!. She is getting a couple molars and a couple canines in that we can see- I am sure the others aren’t long to follow.

Sorry, our camera is still on the fritz so I don’t have any pictures of the momentous occasion, but I am sure you can imagine what lots of little teeth look like.

So YEA! and OUCH! for Rya. We are very excited you will actually have chompers to aide you in your eating endeavors.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We're still here...

So I have to admit that this blogging thing is beginning to closely resemble my journals. I start out all strong and consistent, and then life happens and I forget to or put off writing. Then you begin to see lots of excuses in my journals as to why it has been so long since I have written, so...

  • Broken Camera
  • Cody's Big 30th Birthday Bash with his Brothers (and Brian Regan, the comedian)
  • Layoffs and the emotional roller coaster that goes with that

  • Young Women's New Beginnings activity

  • Sicknesses- we like to pass those around (share and share alike)

  • My sister in town visiting with her little boy

  • Car trouble

So there you have it, all my excuses. You can take your pick. The funny part is (and this is true for my journals also) that all of these moments should be things worth taking the time to write down and remember. Ironic, I know. Life is what keeps me from recording events in my life (hehe).

DSCF2145As I mentioned before, our camera is broken.  As you can see there is a strange glow about Rya. Now, I have always thought there is a special light about her, but I figured that was just because I am her mom- definitely biased. But I am pretty sure this is a camera mal-function, not her glowing personality making itself know. (hehe) So we will try to get another camera soon, because with how quickly Rya grows, she may be going off to college before we get one. No, hopefully, it doesn't take us that long- I will just have to be more on top of it then I have been with blogging (hehe, we'll see).

Anyway, a lot has happened in the last little while, some positive and some not. But overall we have seen the Lord's hand in our lives sending the good moments and helping us through the bad, and for that we are ever grateful.


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